Since I think the probability that anyone out there actually reads this thing is fairly low, at least right now, I haven’t bothered to do much in the way of making it easy for readers to contact me. I realize this is semi-obnoxious behaviour, and I’m working to fix it.
I so far have hesitated from putting an email address up because I know it would just become flooded with spam anyway, and because people coming to this site from can already get an email address for me fairly easily there, and SDF members can simply send me an email address within the system.
But just in case there’s anyone out there who isn’t a member of those two groups, and would like to drop me a message, here’s a ROT-13 encoded address you can feel free to use: “oybt1.xnqva@fcnztbhezrg.pbz”. (Yes, it’s a Spamgourmet address.)
In the very near future, I may set up comments here on the blog. If all goes well and I don’t get too inundated with spam, that will probably be the best way for random passers-by to comment or respond, should they want to.
2 Comments, 0 Trackbacks
As of right now, the feedback system is working. There are still a lot of rough edges, and it's still very ugly, but basic posting does seem to work.
It's also worth pointing out that Trackbacks also work. Although you may get an error (the Trackback implementation in the plugin may not be functioning to spec right now, because I haven't filled in some of the response variables), they will be passed on to me for review.
Spammers: don't bother; it's not an automated system that you can game. Nothing is going to end up here unless I'm sure it's legitimate.