According to a post on the Full Disclosure mailing list, history has repeated itself: T-Mobile’s systems have apparently suffered a serious breach, and a lot of customer data has been compromised. Oops.
The last time something like this happened to T-Mobile, it was due to a known vulnerability in BEA’s WebLogic application server that T-Mobile had failed to patch correctly. Although the ‘hacker’ in question ended up in the Federal pen for his trouble (one hopes the celebrity email-reading was worth it), and a lot of attention seems to have been paid to the Secret Service’s identification and capture of him, the real culpability was T-Mobile’s. By failing to patch their servers, they left them wide open to infiltration.
It’s a bit too soon to tell whether the latest break-in was similarly due to technical incompetence at T-Mobile, or if they fell victim to some other method. However, it doesn’t sound like the ‘cybercriminals’ behind it all are the sharpest pieces of cutlery in the drawer. Unless they’re playing an amazingly deep game, I think it’s safe to say they didn’t think their cunning plan all the way through.
From the FD post:
We already contacted with [T-Mobile’s] competitors and they didn’t show interest in buying their data -probably because the mails got to the wrong people- so now we are offering them for the highest bidder.
Sounds almost petulant, doesn’t it? “Probably because the mails got to the wrong people” — really? They seriously think that’s the problem? If only they’d had the contact information for the Espionage Division of AT&T, the whole thing would have gone so smoothly!
They would have done better to read up on the Coke / Pepsi trade-secrets bust from back in 2006. A disgruntled Coke employee stole the secret Coke formula and tried to sell it to Pepsi, but Pepsi — much to her surprise, I’m sure — pretty much fell over itself notifying Coke of the offer, and then worked with the Feds during the ensuing investigation. Although the press coverage tried to make a heart-warming after school special out of the whole thing, Pepsi’s behavior should have been predictable and obvious: the risk of getting caught with stolen trade secrets from their fiercest competitor so greatly outweighed the value of those secrets, there was no way they would ever take the thief up on her offer.
The very same situation now exists for the morons who stole the data from T-Mobile. What competitor would even think of touching it? What could any competitor possibly gain from the data that would be greater than the huge downside risk, and could not be obtained more easily some other way? I can’t think of anything. Even if the files were totally complete, and represented dossiers on every one of T-Mobile’s customers completely documenting their behavior and preferences with regards to cellular telephony, it still wouldn’t be worth the near-certain chance of getting busted down the road, when T-Mobile notices a startlingly high number of their subscribers getting poached.
The smartest thing for AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, et al to do, on receiving an offer to purchase obviously stolen records, would have been to immediately report it to the Feds. That they didn’t makes me guess that they probably didn’t even take the offer seriously. How humiliating!
After failing to sell the goods (which I suspect are database dumps) to T-Mobile’s competitors, the thief or thieves then decided to just post a for-sale ad to the Full Disclosure mailinglist — well known in IT security circles, but not known as a clearinghouse for stolen identities. It’s not as though there aren’t venues on the ‘net where trading and selling identity information is common — supposedly there are whole online communities for this purpose — but the FD list certainly isn’t one of them. The only way they could have been more bush league is if they’d used Craigslist. Or maybe Ebay.
So that brings me to two possible conclusions about the whole breach:
It was conducted by someone of questionable technical competence (at this point it’s too early to tell), but dreadful business skills, who couldn’t resist undermining the commercial value of the information they stole in order to claim credit in a high-profile way. They chose the FD list rather than some more appropriate sales channel because the FD list gets read by a fair number of security experts, and this means more geek cred. Of course, what ‘geek cred’ gets you in prison is beyond me. (Maybe Hans Reiser knows.)
It was conducted by someone who knows exactly what they’re doing, and what we’re seeing is a carefully-constructed ruse of some sort. There might not be any information to sell, or else selling the information at a maximum profit might not be the real goal. Instead, the purpose would be to embarass and tarnish T-Mobile’s reputation as badly as possible.
Admittedly, option #2 does get a little tinfoil-hatty. To profit from it, someone would need to build up a huge short position in DT stock (or certain futures contracts), and hope that the news of the breach would cause the value to slide. However, I don’t even know if this would be realistic: DT is a huge company, and T-Mobile USA is only a part of it. Even a cataclysmic security breach might not do more than wiggle the needle of DT’s share price, requiring a huge position or lots of leverage to take advantage of it.
Neither theory bodes well for the people behind it; according to option #1 they’re clearly incompetent and far beyond their depth as far as professional criminality is concerned. Not exactly a hard target for law enforcement. According to option #2 they’re less stupid, but still at a huge disadvantage: the position they’d need to have built up to profit from the security breach would be visible in retrospect, possibly even obvious. Even spread between lots of accounts, I suspect it wouldn’t take long for the forensic accountants to catch on.
It will be interesting to see how everything pans out in the next few weeks. There is no scenario where it looks good for T-Mobile; those who, like me, are T-Mobile customers can only hope that this time they’ll learn the lesson a bit better, and put some more effort into security.
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